This is the website for ARTD/DMST 3325, Site Specific Design, a seminar/studio course in the Electronic Media Arts Design (eMAD) program at the University of Denver, Fall, 2010.

Project 2

Project 2: Research/Presentation of an Artist

Select an artist or designer working in a site-specific format. The artist may also work in new
media, but that is a secondary concern. This artist should be someone who is of interest to you,
and/or who has some bearing on your creative work. Compile and format your research for an
in-class presentation of about 10 minutes.

Your presentation should consider (but not be limited to) the following questions:
--What is the focus of the artist/designer’s work? (social, historical, geographic, political,
community-based, identity, power relations, memory, environment, new technology, sensory,
perceptual, etc.)
--How does their work incorporate or address issues of site?
--What questions are they asking through their work?
--What is important about their work?
--What is the context of their work?
--What affiliations do they have with other artists, institutions, schools of thought?
--What media are they working in, and how does it impact their work? Has it evolved?
--Who or what are their major influences? Who have they influenced?
--What communities are they engaging through their work?
--Where have you seen or experienced their work?
--How is their work funded? What support do they receive to realize their projects?
Presentations will be given in the multimedia format of your choice, but take the time to design
a coherent presentation. You can include images, sound/video clips, streaming web, printed
matter, etc. Your research materials will be documented at your website/blog, and should
include all of the above plus weblinks, standard citations and bibliographical information where

Contact me if you need help with finding an artist, or with your research. Don’t get stuck.

Project Due Date: Week Five of class, October 12 & 14.